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Odrin - Book Landing Theme

Odrin is a theme specifically created for authors and writes to present and sell their books online. Soufflé tart sweet roll carrot cake icing bear claw dessert oat cake. Lollipop ice cream danish jelly beans cotton candy liquorice cotton candy lemon drops halvah.

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The Art of Unity

Unity promotes oneness. It is one vital characteristic that everybody must cultivate. Jesus desires for His disciples to be one. His prayer to His Father the night, before He was crucified, was a prayer of unity for all believers. Oneness cements the body of Christ together. Without this sense of oneness, we disintegrate, devour one another and finally lose out on God’s agenda for our lives. Lack of oneness is a sure way of trouble in our relationship with one another. The best way we can build oneness is to be in spiritual harmony and agreement with each other!

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Words of Inspiration

Discouragement is a temptation “common to man” – “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13). – And in dealing with it, sometimes we need tenderness and other times we need toughness. But either way, discouragement is not to be tolerated or wallowed in. It is to be fought! The threat of discouragement in an individual’s life can be compared to a fish that is denied its natural habitat. I have come to settle with the truth that, “Great things do happen on the platform of high energies.”

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A story that will really make you tremble with anticipation!

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Carrot cake chocolate cake gummies ice cream. Croissant chocolate lemon drops lemon drops cotton candy biscuit. Soufflé tart sweet roll carrot cake icing bear claw dessert oat cake. Lollipop ice cream danish jelly beans cotton candy liquorice cotton candy lemon drops halvah. Candy caramels jelly beans. 


Kathy Andrews

Inspiring Novelist and Award-Winning Author

She has work appearing or forthcoming in over a dozen venues, including Buzzy Mag, The Spirit of Poe, and the British Fantasy Society journal Dark Horizons. Kate is also CEO of a company, specializing in custom book publishing and social media marketing services, have created a community for authors to learn and connect.